About Work Package 04
Package 04: Sharing and promoting the project results is a crucial aspect of the project. The Dissemination Plan outlines the various means and channels through which information about the project and its outcomes will be shared with target groups and stakeholders at local, regional, national, European, and international levels. This includes awareness-raising activities and planned information sharing-processes.
The main objectives of the Dissemination activities are:
O1: promote and raise awareness about the project results.
O2: successfully transfer the results to achieve their sustainable promotion and support.
O3: convince individual end-users to adopt and/or apply the results, including after the project and support by its partnership has ended.
Main results:
R1: A communication plan that includes the strategy to be followed to disseminate the project, through the different channels, as well as the creation of a register of all our activities to measure the impact..
R2: Project Branding Kit including a distinctive, easy to recognize, and visually appealing logo representing the project's mission, values, and goals; tagline; and document templates to create visual harmony across all the project results.
R3: The EP-II website which will be the main online communication portal for the project in all partner languages. The website will introduce the project, the consortium, and the funding agency, and will include the project results and useful information material.
R4: Social media accounts for the storytelling of the project depending on the target audiences. You can visit our social media on: Instagram.
R5: Publications and Informational Materials: under this category of results are included different types such as: newsletters, academic publications or posters.
R6: EP-II Multiplier Events during the last semester of the project timeline to engage with stakeholders at regional, local, and European level.
R7: The Final International Conference to be held in Greece to engage with European and international stakeholders. Masterclasses for policy makers and practitioners, will be held during the lunchtime series of sessions.
R8: We will meet in our 3rd Transnational Project Meeting.